WHAT!? Alexander Hamilton To Be Removed From $10 USA Bill.

Decided Without Public Approval

Without getting public approval, it has been decided to remove the image of Alexander Hamilton from the $10 bill US currency. IMO, this is extremely wrong to do, and the current stated reasons for doing this are not sufficient to justify this action.


Only Form Of Major National Honor For Alexander Hamilton

There are very few or limited methods by which the country and the people (USA) have honored one of the most important founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton. His image on the $10 Bill is probably the only major form of honor that exists for this man who contributed so much to this countries creation, structure, direction, and operation. It is absolutely WRONG, wrong, wrong for his image to be removed. If he had not died (killed), then he most likely would have also became president at one point.


Find A Way To Object To This Change

If you get an opportunity to object to this, then do so. Tell others of the offense that is to occur and prevent it from happening. Post to on our Opinion Board, make comments on forums, on articles, via your twitter account, make videos about it, write letters to any government official, and anything else you can think of. This change must never happen; not now, or anytime in the future. It is important as part of history, and as part of the country's character that Alexander Hamilton's image remain on the $10 bill for all time and all future generations to see.

Please take a few seconds and respond to the single question survey on if Alexander Hamilton's image should be kept on the $10 Bill.

To directly complain about this change to the US Treasury, go to https://www.thenew10.treasury.gov/share-your-ideas/submit.
At the same time, you can also search for #TheNew10 on Twitter or post on Twitter in reference to #TheNew10.


Others' Suggestions And Comments

I saw some comments at http://finance.yahoo.com/video/founding-father-alexander-hamilton-booted-161054361.html that suggested alternatives, and also what can be done if the new money gets printed without Hamilton's image (as the dominant image) on it.

  1. Print two different $10 bills. One bill with the current Alexander Hamilton image and another bill with whomever else it is decided.

  2. Do not touch the $10 bill, and consider changing a higher denomination bill. Considerations starting at the $100 bill and going down to the $20.

  3. If the current bill does indeed get changed, then one person suggested cutting the new $10 in half and then taping it back together and putting it back into circulation, and this will cause the bill to be promptly removed from circulation as soon as it gets to a bank. If enough people do this, then a clear message gets sent back and things will be set correct again. I must say this was brilliant and it took some understanding by someone who knew of money circulation and removal processes.

Feel free to mention your suggestions and comments on our Opinion Board.

Don't forget to take a few seconds and respond to the single question survey on if Alexander Hamilton's image should be kept on the $10 Bill.

Articles And Multimedia References

Here are a list of articles, either print, or multimedia format that I located as reference.

  1. Founding Father Alexander Hamilton Booted Off $10 Bill - Yahoo Finance and Bloomberg video.
  2. Save Alexander Hamilton! The author of the definitive bio of the first Treasury secretary says he deserves top billing on the $10 bill. - Politico magazine
  3. The New 10 - U.S. Department Of The Treasury
  4. Make way Alexander Hamilton: A woman to be on $10 bill, first on paper money in a century - Star Tribune
  5. Founding Father Alexander Hamilton Booted Off $10 Bill - direct Bloomberg video (same as above Yahoo link)

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